简介 :Set in the future in a time of interplanetary colonization, an unlikely pair race against an impending global crisis and are confronted by the monsters that live inside us all.
简介 :Set in the future in a time of interplanetary colonization, an unlikely pair race against an impendi…
简介 :这部凄美真实的故事发生在阿拉巴马州的蒙哥马利,一位三k党成员的孙子必须在民权运动中选择站在历史的哪一边。他无视家庭和南方白人的规范,与社会不公、压迫和暴力作斗争,以改变他周围的世界。《南方之子》由执行制片人斯派克·李(Spike Lee)执导,根据鲍勃·泽尔纳(Bob Zellner)的自传《THE Wrong Side OF Murder Creek》改编。